The Benefits of Stackable Slatwall & Slatwall Inserts for Merchandise Displays

If you are looking for a strong and versatile hanging system for a store fixture or store display, the aluminum stackable Slatwall system from Eagle Aluminum might be just what you’re looking for. This metal slatwall system is extruded into 5 inch wide stackable sections that create a solid wall or hanging surface that can be used to hang or display almost anything in your business, exhibit or garage. The stackable Slatwall can also be anodized or powder coated to almost any color to match your desired look.


Perhaps the main benefit of stackable Slatwall & Slatwall inserts is the flexibility that they provide. When you use Slatwall to display merchandise, you will find that it is very easy to change up your display or the way the merchandise appears on the display. You can simply add additional panels to make the display taller or remove panels to make shorter. Having the ability to change the look of merchandise displays whenever you wish keeps the interior of your store looking fresh, which can attract new customers and increase sales.


You will also find that customers love the look of metal Slatwall. Simple lines make their appearance simple yet very versatile. If you go with a traditional type of display, you could end up with a generic look that nearly every other store in your area already has. Slatwall, however, allows you to customize the look of your displays in any way that you wish. For example, you can hang wire baskets and install different types of panels, each of which will add an entirely different dynamic to your place of business, the way it is displayed and perceived by your customer.


If you are using traditional Slatwall routered into the MDF board for your merchandise display systems, it is vital that you add inserts if you will be putting anything heavy on the shelves. The panels on their own can handle a fair amount of weight but are not made to hold extremely heavy items. If you put too much weight on the panel, you will pull out the hangers out of the routered groove and have to replace the entire board. This is a major hassle and can get expensive. It is always a good idea to reinforce your wood panels with aluminum Slatwall inserts. These inserts only add to your merchandise displays and never detract do not stand out in any negative way, but they do have a streamlined look that fits in with the rest of the display.