Z Clips, or wall panel clips, are the are the fastest growing and easiest way to install wall panels, acoustical panels, cabinets, signs, and artwork on a wall or vertical surface. These
heavy-duty clips for hanging panels were once commonly referred to as French cleat hangers, but where did they get that name?

Although it is difficult to verify, many think the name French Cleat originated with shipbuilders in France during in the 1800s. Initially made from strips of wood that were cut lengthwise at an angle and attached horizontally to the walls of the ships, French cleat hanging systems were used to preserve precious space on the floors or decks by securing items to the walls. The interlocking wood wedges held an object securely in place on a vertical surface, while still allowing for easy removal of that object. The time-tested wooden French cleat hanger is still a popular choice for hanging items securely on walls. According to an editorial in Popular Mechanics, “
French cleats are magical in their strength and simplicity”
Metal hanging cleats, or Z-Clips, were introduced in the United States during the housing building boom after World War II and quickly became very popular. Modern versions of this useful piece of panel mounting hardware are usually made from extruded aluminum and are a simple, strong, and reliable way to hang almost any flat object on a wall. Z Clips, the name by which they became known, allowed you to install a wood wall panel, or other product, without screwing into the face of the panel.
Common names for French Wall Cleats in the US are Z Clip or Z Clips
Commonly called Z Clips, Z rails, Z bar (or Z-bar), Z hangers, Aluminum Z, Hanging Clips, Hanging Bars, Cabinet Hanger, Hanging Rail Clips or Hanging Cleats, Paneling Clips, Split Battens, Removable Panel Clips, Zclip, or Zee Clips, all-aluminum French cleats hangers work in essentially the same way as the original wood cleat. One metal wall panel clip is attached to the wall, and one – flipped the other way – is attached to the back of the item you want to hang. The two aluminum clips are then connected together, and the object is kept in place by gravity and its own weight. The Z Clip fasteners wedge together, thereby locking panels in place. This French cleat mounting system provides for easy and fast future removal or dismounting of panels for change or replacement at any time in the future. Since the Eagle Aluminum Z-Clips, or Eagle Clips (as we like to call them), remain concealed behind the finished panel, they also allow for the installer to pre-finish the panel without time-consuming face nailing or costly on-the-job finishing.
The Many Uses of Aluminum Z-Clips
As a useful and multi-functional piece of wall hardware, Aluminum Z-Clips can be used indoors and out, and are suitable for both home and commercial use. Eagle Aluminum manufactures and stocks several versions of panel mounting clips, Z-Clips and Z-Rails. Our light-duty Z cleats are ideal for hanging smaller items or objects of lighter weight. A medium to heavy-duty aluminum Z Clip or French wall cleat is perfect for cabinet installation or supporting very heavy items like wood panels and acoustical panels that can’t be hung using other inadequate methods due to the products’ weight.
Why Choose Eagle Aluminum Z-Clips or Eagle Z-Clip
Made from a specially engineered alloy and then tempered aluminum, Eagle Aluminum Z-Clips offer many additional benefits that are simply not found in our competitors Z-Clip, Panel Clips or French Cleats. The Eagle Z Clip lines are perfect as mounting hardware for use when hanging wall panels, elevator panels, acoustical panels, picture frames and kitchen cabinets, paintings, signage, framed mirrors and display boards. Our Z Clips are easy to install, reduce installation time and cost by as much as 50% or more, are available in a variety of lift-off and standoff dimensions and come in lengths from 1-1/2′′ Z Clips to 12′ Z Rails, with or without holes. By the skid load or just a single bucket, Eagle Aluminum has Z bar clips for sale in-stock and ready to ship from our main offices in central MN to anywhere in the United States. Whether our products are shipping to the East, West or Gulf coasts or anywhere in-between, our customers keep coming back for our excellent customer service, quality products and great prices.
Located near Minneapolis and St. Paul MN, our staff prides itself on superior customer service, excellent products, and fast shipping all at competitive pricing. Eagle Aluminum is a leading supplier of Custom and Specialty Aluminum Extrusion Solutions. We specialize in creating custom aluminum extrusions for almost any aluminum trim or aluminum shape. If you don’t see the Z Clip sizes you require for your project, please contact our customer service department at Eagle Aluminum and we will help you design, engineer and create the perfect extrusion.
Call us at 763-493-2995 or toll-free at 800-888-2044 or visit us online to learn why our Eagle Z Clip customers stay customers and keep coming back.